本研究之目的,旨在探討應用蛋殼膜(Eggshell membrane) 作為殺草劑-巴拉刈(Paraquat)之吸附性去除劑之可能性,同時與皂土(Bentonite)、活化黏土(Activated clay)及非活化黏土(Unactivated clay)等在不同pH環境下進行對巴拉刈吸附力之比較。實驗結果顯示,活化黏土吸附巴拉刈的能量遠超過蛋殼膜粉及其他吸附劑。為探討其原因,本研究另以氮氣吸附及批次方法(batch methods)解析蛋殼膜粉之孔洞特性及吸附動力學(adsorption kinetics)等參數。研究結果發現,蛋殼膜粉之BET表面積約為0.69 m2/g,總孔洞體積約為0.002 cm3/g,與活化黏土比較顯著偏小,顯示其為非多孔性。此外,以偽二級吸附模式研究兩者之吸附動力學之結果亦顯示,在常溫pH 1.2之條件下,蛋殼膜粉之平衡吸附力為1.759 mg/g,與活化黏土之40 mg/g比較顯然偏小,雖然兩者之吸附半衰期皆很相近。綜合以上結果得知,蛋殼膜粉並無應用於去除巴拉刈之臨床價值,相反地,具有強吸附能力之活化黏土在臨床的應用則值得進一步探討。 The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of eggshell membrane (ESM) being applied as the adsorption remover for paraquat in vitro. Meanwhile, the absorption capacities of ESM as well as other absorbents including bentonite, activated clay and un-activated clay were compared at different pH environments. The results showed that the activated clay was far superior than other adsorbents in the removal of paraquat in the aqueous solutions with different pH values. In order to clarify the factors that contribute to the results, the pore characteristics and the adsorption kinetics were also analyzed by liquid nitrogen adsorption/desorption method and batch method under the controlled conditions, respectively. From the experiment data, the BET surface area and total pore volume of ESM were 0.69 m2/g and 0.002 cm3/g, respectively, which were far smaller than those of activated clay, indicating that ESM is possibly a nonporous material. In addition, the adsorption kinetics of ESM and activated clay could be well described with the pseudo-second order model, and the amount of paraquat adsorbed at equilibrium under controlled conditions was found to be 1.759 mg/g, which was very small compared to that of activated clay (40 mg/g), although the adsorption half-lives of both
were nearly similar. In conclusion, ESM seems not applicable to be used as paraquat remover in clinical treatment, on the contrary, activated clay could be worthy of further investigation on the clinical usage.