摘要: | 四草野生動物保護區內之藻類資源,經2000年至2002年間之調查,共發現大型藻(macroalgae)5屬7種,主要混生族群以Enteromorpha、Cladophora及Ulothrix等屬之絲狀藻為主。而微藻(microaglae)之調查範圍除永久樣區外,尚有潮溝及嘉南大圳等樣區,其中,永久樣區之浮游藻類終年以金黃藻門Botrydiopsis archiza Borz為主。然而,微藻種類最多的為矽藻,共發現43種矽藻,分屬於12個屬,包括:Achnanthes、Amphiprora、Amphora 、Cocconeis 、Cyclotella 、Gyrosigma、Fragilaria 、Skeletonema 、Navicula 、Nitzschia、Pleurosigma及Synedra。其中,以浮游生為主之矽藻只有3種:Skeletonema sp. ,Cyclotella meneghiniana及Cyclotella sp,其餘40種矽藻,則或為浮游生,或為附著於大型藻及底泥之附著生矽藻。底泥上之微藻除矽藻外,尚有許多顫藻。此外,微藻亦包括一些數量及種類較少的綠藻、藍綠藻及甲藻等, 共發現有13 屬14種, 包括Ankistrodesmus、Crucigenia、Kirchneriella 、Pyrobotrys、Scenedesmus、Chlaymdomonas 、Chroococcus、Merismopedia、Microcystis 、Oscillatoria、Spirulina等,及某些季節會出現較高數量之甲藻Prorocentrum與眼蟲Euglena。綜合而言,調查顯示,四草野生動物保護區內之藻類,目前已知至少有5屬7種大型藻,及25屬56種浮游或附著生之微藻。 The algae from Su-Tsao Wild Life Reservation was studied from 2000 to 2002. A total of seven microalgal species from five genera were identified, which were mainly Enteromorpha, Cladophora and Ulothrix. The phytoplankton Botrydiopsis archiza was the major dominant microalge in the permanent sampling stations throughout the years. Nevertheless, a variety of diatoms accounts for the microalgae there. A total of forty-three diatom species from twelve genera, including Achnanthes, Amphiprora, Amphora, Cocconeis, Cyclotella, Gyrosigma, Fragilaria, Skeletonema, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma and Synedra were identified. Most of the diatoms adhered to the sediment or macroalgae, sometime found in the water. Only three species: Skeletonema sp., Cyclotella meneghiniana and Cyclotella sp. were phytoplankton. Besides diatoms, a few microalge such as Ankistrodesmus, Crucigenia, Kirchneriella, Pyrobotrys, Scenedesmus, Chlaymdomonas, Chroococcus, Merismopedia, Microcystis, Oscillatoria, Spirulin, Prorocentrum and Euglena were also found during investigation. In general, it is proven that there are at least 7 species from 5 genera of macroalgae and 56 species from 25 genera microalgae within the Su-Tsao Wild Life Reservation in Tainan. |