多元化的環境因素和社會人際的互動關係,豐富了嬰幼兒感官世界,是健全日後兒童情緒發展的必要因素。本研究採「幼兒感覺發展檢核表」及自編之「影響兒童發展因素調查表」,同時針對台南縣巿132間托育機構就讀之學前兒童1,228人進行調查。研究結果顯示,孕婦健康情形、生產過程和嬰幼兒健康狀況影響到幼兒觸覺防禦系統的發育,而觸覺防禦障礙較高的幼兒和日後情緒障礙有關。本研究調查發現,幼兒觸覺防禦障礙發生相關的原因(p<0.05),包括孕婦用藥、孕婦吃油炸食品、孕婦生病住院、胎兒晚產、使用藥物輔助生產、出生時的哭聲、幼兒腦性麻痺、幼兒中耳炎和幼兒發高燒問題。綜合本研究結論,孕婦健康情形、生產過程和嬰幼兒健康狀況影響到幼兒早期感覺統合系統的發育,也是影響台南地區幼兒觸覺防禦障礙的重要因素。 Enriched environments, such as social environmental factors and other sensory manipulations during postnatal development are affected the mood and later life. The child tactile defensiveness and parent Self-rating questionnaires were completed by 1,228 preschool children from 132 kindergartens in Tainan city/county. In this study, data analysis revealed that mother health during pregnancy, the risk factors of labor and the childhood disease also affected the children’s tactile defensive development. The child tactile defensiveness may be caused by a lot of negative factors, such as pregnancy frying foods, pregnancy medication, post-term, labor medication, newborn crying, cerebral palsy, otitis media and higher fever. The findings supported the hypothesis that emotional impaired children judged to have relatively greater neuropsychological involvement exhibited significantly higher tactile defensiveness. In conclusion, the factors of mother health during pregnancy, the risk factors of labor and healthy/unhealthy childhood affected the sensory integration development, such as tactile defensive children in Tainan.