痛風是指尿酸鈉的微細結晶沉澱於關節而引起急性炎症的臨床疾病,症狀發作時將會造成行動障礙且造成日常生活極大不便。根據臨床報告顯示痛風病患不但越來越多,且有年輕化的趨勢。因此本研究的主要目的在瞭解高屏地區三十歲以上男性對痛風認知、態度和預防行為。以結構式問卷進行調查分析共回收問卷370份,有效回收率為97.6% ,研究結果顯示在認知方面民眾對“痛風的特色是急性發作有關節發炎、腫脹及疼痛的現象”和“運動與控制體重可以減少痛風的發生”有較好的認知,而認知較差的項目則是“尿酸值過高的人應限制高普林飲食”。在民眾對痛風態度方面,雖態度較為正向,但大多數人認為自己不可能罹患「痛風性關節炎」。在預防行為方面,減少飲酒和控制體重此兩項目是民眾較常做之預防行為,而「注意減少高普林食物」行為則是較少做的。有痛風家族史之受測者其態度較為正向,自覺身體狀況非常不好者在“認知得分”上明顯較低,且受測者的認知、態度與預防行為三者之間有相關性。研究結果有助於推廣民眾衛生教育以提高民眾對痛風的認知並加強疾病的預防工作。 Gout is one of the most common forms of joint inflammation which is caused by deposit of urate crystals. It appears as an acute attack and often develops with joint damage, disability and chronic diseases. Gout affects mostly men and researches recently indicate that young gout patients are more and more. Purposes of this study were to examine the knowledge, attitudes and preventive behaviors on gout among middle-aged male adults in Kaoshiung and Petung area. Factors influencing gout knowledge were also considered. Results showed that subjects had better cognition about “acute attack of gout involves joint inflammation, swelling and severe pain.” and “Exercise and weight control can reduce incidence of gout”. Subjects had worse recognition of “hyperuricaemia patients should have diet restriction of purine”. Most participants’ attitudes toward the disease prevention were positive, but they don’t think they will suffer from gout arthritis. About preventative behaviors, subjects did more weight and alcohol control, but less intake of purine food. Subjects who have family members with gout had more positive attitude and unhealthy subjects had worse knowledge toward the disease. Knowledge, attitude and behaviors had significant relationships. We concluded that health activities and education program for preventing gout are needed and should be promoted.