摘要: | 台灣在邁入已開發國家的同時,逐漸重視休閒健康的重要性,逐步推展休閒運動,興建公共休閒運動設施,以符合需求。休閒運動屬於休閒活動一環,基此,本研究以休閒運動參與因素歸納探究為基礎,並以台南市居民為例進行問卷之調查,分析影響居民休閒運動參與行為因素,及檢驗其屬性與參與行為因素是否有顯著差異存在。本研究調查結果為:有效問卷410份,經pearson相關係數分析及單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)統計方法,a=.05為顯著考驗水準,經進行資料分析後,受訪者年齡越低對設施品質與需求較為高;教育程度越高受訪者對區位便利性選擇越重視;較低收入者對休閒運動參與區位便利性及附加價值因素越重視,機此探究影響都市民眾休閒運動參與行為指標,希冀供政府改善都市休閒運動各項公共設施依據,提升民眾對休閒運動認知以促進全民休閒運動參與。 The purpose of this study was to determine what factors influence individuals to participate behavior leisure sports in Tainan. The 410 subjects, comprised of females and males, were randomly selected from the citizen in Tainan to participate. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVAs) and t tests were used to analyze the data regarding leisure sports participation. The .05 level of significance was used for all ANOVAs tests. Results of this study revealed that male showed a significantly higher than female when they consider in participants leisure sports. Additionally, the younger participants were significantly more consider participate in the quality and needs of leisure sports than the older age group. As well, participants with a higher level of education showed a significantly higher consider that convenience and distance near by leisure sports equipment than those with a high school diploma or less. The study also revealed that participants, whose income was lower, were significantly more willing to consider convenience and distance near by leisure sports equipment, and addition value of leisure sports than those whose income ranged higher. More of these, the participants’ job will shows significantly different in the health needs of leisure sports. Due to the complexity on discussing participation behavior of leisure sports, the findings from this study not only suggest when government for planning public leisure sports equipment should consider the different needs of citizen, but also can use the result, the influencing factors, to consider the participation behavior of leisure sports leisure sports in Taiwan. |