人性論旨在探討人存在於世間的價值根源,如同天道論一樣,都是一個根源性的問題,要了解一個人必須先掌握一個人的人性,中國學術史上對於人性範疇關注的探討,先秦諸子已經開始,並且取得良好的成績;先秦人性論誠為精彩而重要,漢儒人性論亦有可觀,漢儒除發展先秦人性論外,實在有其本身時代思想特點,代表這種時代思潮的,就是西漢的大儒董仲舒;本文即嘗試探討董仲舒人性論有別於先秦特點,並論其得失,以見出其人性論在學術思想上承繼發展之關係。 Theory of human nature was a very important the problem or subject in the pre- Chin period as same as Tien Tao (the Tao of heaven) both are Tracing the origin of the Tien Tao Cosmological theories and human lives. Theory of human nature in pre-Chin have include Confucius kind mind. Mencius goodness of human nature. kao tzu versus neutrality of human nature. Hsun tzu the evil of human nature and Taoist school way and virtue is human nature. Ham great scholar Tung Chung Shu he development Theory of human nature in pre-Chin,his philosophy base on The vital breath chi have includes theory of human nature from the view point of the idea of Yin Yang and The five agent to talk about human nature Tung Chung Shu his ideas have include of in the fusion of human nature. appetites and desire are in one. the harmony of heaven and man. Natural. quality is not equal goodness the argument with Mencius goodness of human nature. The paper In order to investigate Ham Tung Chung Shu the position of in the history of the Chinese philosophy and his concepts of human nature investigate Ham Tung Chung Shu different with Theory of human nature in pre-Chin.