In the syntax of English, wh-phrases can be moved into the empty Spec (specifier) position of COMP (complementizer). In Mandarin Chinese, opinions are divided on whmovement. Some researchers presume that there is a wh-movement; others believe that there is no wh-movement in surface structure in Mandarin. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether or not there is a wh-movement in the syntax of Mandarin Chinese. After reviewing researchers’ definitions, viewpoints, and arguments on wh-movement, the author examined wh-questions in Chinese from different respects and found that whether whwords could or could not appear in different positions of a sentence rely on the meaning, the context of the sentence, and the speaker’s preference. On the issue of wh -movement, the author is in favor of Huang’s (1982, 1988) claim on moving WH in a language without whmovement, since wh-movement is not obligatory in Chinese to form wh -questions. In other words, whether wh -words move or not does not impede the formation of questions in Chinese. Wh-words are base-generated adjuncts in Chinese, which is adjoined to IP in the sentence structure. In addition, not every wh-word in Chinese questions can be moved to the initial, middle, or the end of the sentence without changing its original meaning or grammaticality. Since there is less strong feature in wh-movement in Chinese, movement is not necessary. 在英文的語法中,WH疑問詞在表層結構中移至補語專詞的位置。在中文語法裡,WH疑問詞是否可以像英文般移動,眾說紛紜。有研究者指出,可以移動;也有學者指出,在中文表層結構中不可移動。本文之目的,是探討中文語法的WH疑問詞在疑問句的形成中是否可移動。在研究各家對WH疑問詞的定義,爭議及觀點後,作者進一步提出中文語句做為輔證,研究中文疑問詞的各種可能位置。結果顯示:在中文語法中,疑問詞移動與否,傾向黃博士 (1982, 1988) 的論點,在語言中移動沒有疑問詞移動的觀點。換言之,疑問詞在中文裡移不移動並不影響疑問句的形成。疑問字基本上有它的定位,在句構中加入子句裡而形成。此外,雖然例中疑問詞可放在句首,句中,句尾,並非所有中文的疑問詞都可移動到其他位置,而仍保留其原意或語形。何況中文的疑問詞之移動並非必要的。