技職體系學校實施通識教育課程行之已久,多年來學生由被動的選課變成主動的依興趣、需求選課,期待透過通識課程獲得不同領域的知識。「幼兒音樂」在幼保、音樂科系中,是教導這些未來擔任幼兒教師工作的學生,學習如何教導幼兒音樂、如何和幼兒玩音樂的一門課程,對於非上述科系的學生而言,幾乎無法學以致用。但這些學生若干年後可能成為幼兒的父母親,在強調親職教育的現代,藉由與幼兒一起進行音樂活動,可達到親子之間親密的交流。因此幼兒音樂課程已經跳脫了單純傳授幼兒音樂知識的角色,而成為學生學習親子溝通的管道。本文針對時代的社會趨勢,探討技職體系「幼兒音樂」通識課程對非相關科系學生的意義,提供給學校開課、學生選課參考。 Technology Vocational Institutions have long implemented the general course (or gerenal electives) program. For many years, students' attitude towards choosing an elective have become more initiative, choosing according to one's own interest and needs, hoping to acquire knowledge in different fields through these general courses. Students in the Early Childhood Education department and Music department take "Early Childhood Music" as a subject in order to learn how to teach young children music and make music with them when they become teachers in future, but, for those students who are in other unrelated departments, it may seem totally irrelevant. But for these students, who might become future parents, this course will be able to give them ideas to communicate with their young children through musical activities taught in this course, especially when today's society emphasises strongly on parental education. Therefore, "Early Childhood Music" has surpassed its role as merely a course to teach future teachers how to teach their young students in kindergartens and nurseries to an essential path for learning parent-child communicational skills. This dissertation, driven by the current social trend, gives an account of the significance of Technology Vocational Institution students, who are not in the related field, taking "Early Childhood Music" as a general course, schools and students may use this as a reference to the offering and selecting of a course.