本研究針對實廠印刷電路版(Printed Circuit Board ,簡稱PCB)酸性廢水利用瓶杯試驗,尋求於Fenton法中最適之pH、H2O2 / Fe2+加劑量與藥劑成本分析。結果顯示H2O2 / Fe2+之最佳劑量與藥劑成本分析為100 mg/l /200 mg/l,最適之pH為2。由上述所得結果再進行七種不同方案之操作,利用化學需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,簡稱COD)去除效果進行比較。尋得節省操作動力成本之方案,並利用此方案進一步探討在高濃度與低濃度劑量分別的添加對於COD去除之影響。結果顯示在低劑量下以一次加藥為最佳操作模式,而高劑量下以分批加藥為最佳操作模式。另外,本研究分析單位廢水所需加藥成本,以提供廠商場內改善及未來增設新單元考量之依據。 Fenton reaction of printed circuit board wastewater was evaluated in this study. This study was mainly focused on the performance of Fenton method with different reagent addition approaches, operating modes and cost analysis for the practical operation. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was used as the parameter for the assessment. Experiments were carried out under room temperature and a jar test apparatus was used. The experiments were conducted in seven different operating modes corresponding to various arrangements. The results revealed that the addition approach of reagent could affect the efficiency of Fenton reaction. As for low dosage of Fenton’s reagent, the addition of reagent once a time can be with the high COD removal. However, as for high dosage of Fenton’s reagent, interval addition operating mode is the best choice. Finally, the cost analysis was created in this study to be a reference for designing a new wastewater treatment unit in practical field.