台灣地區近年來的土壤污染事件層出不窮,自2000年2月公布實施「土壤及地下水污染整治法」後,土壤污染防治工作日益受重視,其中尤以農地污染所造成的環境議題為目前主管機關施政之重點。為有效積極管理現有受污染農地,本研究結合現有農地調查資料及水利單位統計資料,以地理資訊系統建立受污染農地管理系統模式,並以高雄縣某塊受污染農地為範例,據以建立農地土地基本資料圖層、相關地面水體及灌排渠道圖層、農地相關污染源調查圖層及農地重金屬調查分析圖層,再將上述影像及圖籍數位電子圖層於地理資訊系統進行疊圖或統計分析,並據以探討受污染農田之基本屬性、疑似污染源及現況分析,其分析模式有利於相關權責單位分析農田受污染之來源及未來控制方法之選取。本研究模型期裨益相關權責單位管理目前受污染農地之依據,並提供主管機關據以執行農田土壤污染管制或整治之相關工作,作為未來農地整治或控制政策擬定時之參考。 In the recent years, soil pollution has always been a problem in Taiwan, so how to prevent soil pollution has always been emphasized, especially about the farmland pollution, which is the most important environmental issue in the government department. In order to efficiently supervise the farmland pollution problem, this research combines the available farmland survey information with the statistical data of the water conservancy, and with the help of Geographical Information System Application (GIS), we can build a management model for the polluted farmland. In this, we use a polluted farmland in Kaohsiung county, and to build the chart of basic farmland information, the related above ground water and water canal, survey on sources of related pollution in farmland and the heavy metal contained in the farmland, and put all these above and the digital diagrams in the GIS to analyze, to discuss the basic of farmland pollution, the possible sources of pollution and the today’s analyze. The result of this will be useful for government department when analyzing the source of farmland pollution and taking control of farmland pollution in the future. This research uses the polluted farmland provided by government department as a basic data and to provide the government department ways of solving and controlling farmland in the future.