本計畫探討不同原料米種煮飯方式對米飯品質之影響,結果顯示以傳統電鍋煮飯,加水量仍為最主要影響米飯品質之因素。以傳統電鍋所煮出之米飯水分蒸發量較少其質地軟而水分高,以瓦斯方式煮飯米粒溫度上升快而水分蒸發量較高,米飯質地硬且有彈性但品質易受米原料新舊波動的影響較大。以電子鍋之煮飯方式米飯品質較其他兩種煮飯方式穩定且口感佳。使用不同煮飯方式除應選擇合適之米種外,米粒之加水量仍為重要之影響因素。原料米蛋白質含量愈低,米飯總体品質愈好,以動態流變儀測定米飯流變參數值中tan(d)可作為預測不同煮飯方式米飯品質之指標,然而以組織測定儀所測得米飯之硬度及黏度則不適合作為預測米飯品評分數之指標。 The texture of cooked rice cooked by the traditional rice cooker is softer than that of gas cooker, the eating quality of cooked rice prepared by the electronic rice cooker is more stable than the other two cooking methods. Rice variety and added water amount are the most important factors for obtaining better cooked rice quality. The damping factor of dynamic rheological test can be used as an index for predicting cooked rice eating quality. Hardness and adhensiveness of cooked rice measured by the compression test is not well correlated to the sensory test results.