本研究針對嘉南藥理科技大學校內人工溼地進行植被調查。除了進行該地區維管束植物的普查外,並設立樣區,監測此區域的植被變化情形,建立植物多樣性資料庫• 在調查區域內共發現維管束植物種類共計有47 科,77 屬,86 種,其中19 種濕生植物;包括蕨類植物1 科1 種,裸子植物3 科4 種,雙子葉植物31 科53種,以及單子葉植物13 科29 種。種類最多者為禾本科植物,有9種,菊科、大戟科次之,各計有5 種。校內人工溼地的陸生植被多屬次級演替所形成之草生地,其中夾雜混生零星的小灌叢與喬木,約佔全部植被面積之40 % ,其中最優勢者為大花咸豐草及矮牽牛;濕生植被幾乎全為原人工栽培者,約佔全面積之60 % ,其中最優勢者為開卡蘆、香蒲、培地茅以及風車草。經過11個月的監測,樣區內植物的消長現象並不明顯,濕生植被的交會帶亦無明顯變化,僅台灣水龍、粉綠狐尾藻與香蒲之交會處,可能因昆蟲之啃食造成台灣水龍植株之水面上的部分消失,而遭粉綠狐尾藻所取代覆蓋。 This investigation was conducted to describe vegetation structure of a constructed wetland located at Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science. Several sample plots were established for the purpose of recording plant species and monitoring the dynamic of vegetation. A total of 86 species, belonging to 47 families and 77 genera, was identified, among which 19 species are aquatic plants. The most abundant family was Poaceae, followed by Asteraceae and Euphorbiaceae. 40 % of the wetland area was covered by land plants dominated by Biden, pilosa L. var. radiate (BI) Sherff and Petunia hybrida, while 60 % was dominated by Phragmites vallatoria, Typha orientalis, Vetiveria zizaniodes, Cyperus alternifolius L.suvsp.flabelliforms ( Rottb. ) Kukenthal. After one-year investigation , the dynamic of vegetation was not observed. The buffer zone of the wetland vegetation was not significantly changed. The damage caused by herbivorous insects may induce the succession of Ludwigia x taiwanensis Peng and Myriophyllum aquaticum.