This paper examines the effects of the picture books upon the college students ' reading and writing proficiency Two researchers cooperatively inspect an instructional paradigm shift with a picture book in a college Chinese language course. The purpose of this study is to reveal the visually instrumental impact of picture books for creative writing. First of all, some previous studies regarding artistically visual function of picture books were investigated. Then, an interview was conducted between the researchers to explore the conceptual ideas and the pragmatic tips of the instructional strategy. Simultaneously, the teacher ultimately summarized the students’post-test writings. In the consequence, the instructional procedure of the teaching method was expected a fix to strengthen the teaching strategy in the future. Furthermore, the researchers would suggest other college language teachers inspire students ' creative writing via the engagement of picture books in classes. Picture book,the connection between readers , thought-provoking stimulus and their writing competence, should not be only restricted to the education of children. It is efficionttoinspirecol1egewriters. 本研究主要針對圖畫書利用於大學語言課堂上的教學策略作一探討。過程中藉由兩位研究者合作,共同檢視借用圖畫書為補充教材的教學經驗,期望能進一步修正此教學策略並探究運用此法跨越不同語言教學的可行性。研究方法部份,首先藉由兩位研究者的訪談加以探知影響此教學策略的觀念和實施要素,再經由實際教學者針對兩年內在七個班級中施行此法後的學生,在敘事寫作內容加以歸納整理,並引用相關文獻的研究成果探知圖畫書應用在協助教學上的特性。而本研究也發現此教學策略中待改進之項目,期待未來在教學時改進此教學模式以臻完善,並進而在未來能提供大學語言教師一個方向,結合圖畫書的方法加以激發學生的語言表達能力,讓運用圖畫書的教學策略不再僅限於兒童教育上而已。