本研究主要利用資源化的方法將廢棄不織布做為微生物擔體,架設反應槽系統於台南市立文化中心景觀池中,以評估其改善水質的成效。研究方式是以不同擔體數目及不同水力停留時問條件下,找出最佳去除效果的操作處理條件,並藉由此系統處理過的水質以水循環的方式補助池水,進而有效避免水資源的浪費,達到水資源回收再利用。經本系統處理後發現,對濁度、懸浮固體物、COD、葉綠素的去除效果極佳,去除率最高分別可達到95%、99.9%、90%及96%,而平均去除率分別為82%、95%、61%及49%。研究結果顯示,以廢棄尿布中之不織布作為微生物擔體,能大幅降低封閉式的景觀池水之污染,本研究之成果可作為未來國內廢棄物再利用與封閉式的景觀池水處理之參考。 In this study, an innovative contact aeration process was constructed at Tainan municipal culture center for the pond water treatment and to evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of this new system. The microbial carrier employed in this study was manufactured from non-woven material which was obtained from waste diaper. A continues operation was carried out for 192 days and the effluent was discharged to the pond for water supplement. This study mainly examined the effects of two parameters including carrier quantity and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the system performance. The result of the study indicated that the best effluent quality was found with a HRT of 3 hours when the same amount of carrier was adopted at different runs. The good performance of removal on turbidity, suspended solid, chemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus was observed and the efficiency was 95, 99.9, 90, 96 and 98 %, respectively. The result of the nitrogen mass balance calculation also revealed that the nitrogen removal of 55 % was achieved. As for the carrier packing ratio, a volumetric ratio of 0.92 % (4800 of carrier) could lead to the best system performance. One thing should be noted was that the carrier packing ratio adopted in this study was with a range of 0.62-0.92%. The low packing ratio with the high removal efficiency meant the less space need and footprint saving of this system. This study recycled the non-woven material obtained from the waste diaper as the microbial carrier for the treatment of pond water. The results showed that this technology was cost-effective to produce and establish, robust, efficient, and easy to operate and maintain. Therefore, this innovative technology could be considered as an alternative for the treatment of polluted pond water in the future.