本研究以接觸曝氣法處理連續進流人工合成酚廢水,利用石英陶瓷製成興有內外面多孔粗糙性圓筒型生物環(Bio-ring)作為生物膜載體,懸吊於生物反應槽的接觸材料區,並以酚醛樹脂製造廠廢水收集站水溝污泥篩離出的M1(Microbacterium arborescens)及該廠生活廢水沉澱池底泥污泥篩離出的M5(Bacillus cereus)等耐酚混合菌株馴養出生物膜;在不同的操作條件下,進行模型廠處理實驗,以探討反應槽中生物量及生物相的變化情形與特性,以利於酚廢水處理之操作管理。本研究得到以下結論:(1)在適當基質負荷下,微生物喜歡附著性生長,因此生物環中的生物量遠比水溶液中懸浮性生長的生物量要來的多;(2)高面積負荷的操作條件,不論懸浮性生物或附著性生物,不易發現存在體型超過原生動物之生物,且反應槽水容液外觀渾濁;(3)於低而積負荷之操作條件時,酚轉化率及COD去除率較高,此時生物環之膠羽呈團狀緊密,反應槽水溶液外觀較清澈,問時會出現有大量原生動物及後生動物,同時有較高附著性生物量與懸浮性生物量之比值(B / M) ; (4)去除每公斤的COD基質所產生之污泥量約介於0.09~0.23公斤間,污泥產生量相當低。 The purpose of this study is focused on the developing of new aeration bioreactor for phenol wastewater treatment. The new aeration bioreactor contained of strings of quartzite glass cylinder, which were used as the bio carrier in reactor , and aeration zone with various rate of bubble air-1ift. Microorganisms choose M1, which was 96 % similarity of Microbacteriun arborescens, and M5 , which was 96 % similarity of Bacillus cereus, for the present study. Those of microorganism were isolated from collected sludge and soils from petrol station and around of reactor and wastewaters storage in Syndyne Industry Company. When the bioreactor was carried out for phenol degradation, the aeration process and synthetic phenol wastewater were fed for a period of days to obtain a steady state of bioreactor. The operating parameters were discussed by considered the biomass and bio characteristics of the bio carrier for the imporovement of biodegradation rate of bioreactor. In this study, the following conclusions were made : (1) Under the optimum surface loading , the higher density of microorganism were found in the biocarrier rather than suspending aqueous solution. (2) In the case of large phenol surface loading, the small size of fono matter suspended bacteria or attached bacteria were found and the significant turbidity of the aqueous solution presented in the bioreactor. (3) In the case of small phenol surface loading, the phenol conversion and COD removal were large. The bio-cluster became denser and then the low turbidity of aqueous solution was also found. The larger amount of protzoa and metazoan were found in the biocarrier and then the attached biomass in addition to suspended biomass (B/M) became higher. (4) The amount of sludge produced per kilogram of COD removed is in the range of 0.09~0.23 in this study. It is implied that low sludge production were obtained in the biodegradation process for phenol wastewater treatment.