在研究中發現許多學校的系主任將醫管畢業生的市場定位在中階主管,由於目前台灣的教育方向也逐漸朝向高學歷發展,或許這也正是現今技職體系所設立目標在於中階管理階層的原因。研究中也發現大多數的系主任認為學生必須要加強的課程是醫療資訊方面的課程,此外也要加強邏輯思考、職業道德和人際關係的能力才能提昇以後在職場上的競爭力。 In general, most of the department of healthcare administration in the technical and vocational education system are developing market offers and marketing mixes tailored to meet the needs of middle manager target market.
Most of the chief of the department of healthcare administration emphasized that the students major in healthcare administration should improve the ability of the healthcare information and enhance the logic, professional moral, human relations to increase the competence in the future.