本研究主要的目的是探討自我調整學習策略(Self-regulated learning strategy)與不同控制程度的超媒體學習系統對學習成效的影響。以台南縣某科技大學143位學生為研究對象,隨機分配到三個不同控制程度的超媒體學習系統:程式控制(低控制程度)、順序式學習者控制(中控制程度)、目錄式學習者控制(高控制程度)。研究結果顯示(1)學生的學習成效在三種不同控制環境下有顯著差異,其中在中、高互動控制的學習成效皆優於低互動控制組;(2)學生在中、高互動控制的動機策略使用越高,學習成效亦越好;(3)學生在目錄式高學習者互動控制環境中,運用後設認知策略的程度最高,學習成效也最好。本研究結果支持以往的研究,並進一步證實學生自我調整能力中的後設認知策略,對於超媒體學習環境中的學習成效之重要性。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-regulated learning strategies and different levels of learner control on students’ academic achievement in a hypermedia-based learning system. 143 college students from an University in Tainan County participated in this study and were randomly assigned to three different levels of learner control groups: program control (low control), sequence learner control(middle control), and menu control (high control). The results showed that (1) there were statistically significant differences on students’ achievement among three different levels of control hypermedia learning environment; (2) students with higher level of motivated strategies performed better in both middle and high learner control hypermedia learning environment; (3) students employing the highest level of metacognitive strategies performed best in the high learner control learning environment than who in the low and middle control hypermedia learning environment. The findings supported the previous research and may further confirmed that metacognitive strategies was the strongest predictor for the learner’s achievement in learning with the highly interactive hypermedia learning environment.