《春秋會要》是探索歷代會要之基礎,為春秋史研究之重要參考書籍,但《春秋會要》有其所長及缺失之處。經研究後發現,本書特色所在為「世系與后夫人妃」部分,此部分在編撰結構上條列整齊、理路清晰、秩然不紊,可補《春秋左傳》編年體前與後不相貫穿、《史記》紀傳體甲與乙不相聯繫之弊,對於掌握歷史事件全貌及主要政治人物頗有助益。惟《春秋會要》係採集相關古籍匯輯而成,並非第一手史料,且其中仍有列國排序未必妥當、用字與編寫體例偶見前後不一等缺失,此一結論可作為相關研究者參考。 The Yao’s Summary of Spring and Autumn is an important reference for researching Spring and Autumn history. There are some advantage and defect in this book. We discuss about the above topic. After researching, we find that the part of generation system and Hou Concubin (后妃) is the characteristic of this book. In this chapter, not only description but also structure is ordered, tidy and clear. It can help researcher much deeply and easily recognize Zuo Biography and History Biography. But the information in article is not original in history. The content is formed by summarized many old history books. There is some mismatch in individual statement. It is pointed out and presented in this paper.