本文主要延續拙作「南宋初期文武關係之消長(西元1127—1189年)」之研究,來探討南宋中、後期之文武關係。本文嘗試從三方面來探究:一是南宋光宗朝以後的政局,在權臣當道下的文武關係;南宋亡國之因,與中晚期政治腐敗有必然的關係。理宗以後史彌遠、丁大全、賈似道等人竊弄威福,使政治腐敗不堪。二是從南北人之和戰論爭,來看政局南移下的文武關係的變化;而宋廷以和談代替征戰政策的變化影響朝廷的和諧關係,也傷害了中央與地方武力的互信。最後,將由南宋中、後期的軍制,看其對文武關係之影響;南宋寧宗自蜀川吳曦叛宋降金事件後,加強以文制武的統兵體系。文武之間衝突,在戰場上不能充分配合,武將士氣低沈,難以同心協力共同禦敵。而另一層面的隱憂也跟著浮現,文臣擁有重兵,對於皇權的威脅,皆埋下南宋走向敗亡的成因。 The article is to study Civil-Military Relation after the mid period of the South Song Dynasty as a continuation of my former article:「Civil-Military Relation During the Early Period of the South Song Dynast」.There are three dimensions in the research. The first one tries to discuss the political situation after Guang Emperor of South Song Dynasty and Civil-Military Relation under authoritative bureaucrats. The South Song Dynasty’s destruction is definitely in relation with its political corruption after the mid period of the South Song Dynasty. Such bureaucrats as Shyy, Mi-Yeuan, Ding, Dah-Chyuan and Gau, Syh-Daw tyrannically abuse their power and make the political situation worsen.Secondly, from the arguments of peace-talk or war-fighting between the South and the North and the vicissitude of Civil-Military Relation after the government’s moving to the south, the government’s policy of replacing war-fighting to peace-talk affects the harmonious Civil-Military Relation at the court, and hurt reliability between central power and regional power. Finally, the military system after the mid period of the South Song Dynasty also affects Civil-Military Relation. Ning Emperor of South Song Dynasty intensifies the military system by the Civil’s governing the Military after Wu, Shi’s (from Shuu-Chuan) rebellion to Jin Dynasty .