十六國時期星占學仍然盛行,當時星占學的影響主要是在政治及軍事兩方面。政治上,星占學的影響有四:一、合理化政權的建立;二、臣以此上疏勸諫國君;三、進行政治鬥;四、進行政變。軍事上,天文星占的運用則有下列三種:一、預測戰爭的成敗;二、擬定戰爭的策略;三、預測戰爭的發生。 星占學在十六國時期之所以仍然盛行,其原因有三:一、言而有驗;二、君主多信奉儒學;三、時代動盪不安。 In the Sixteen Countries Period, astrology was still in vogue, it influenced mainly in politics and military affairs at that time. In politics, astrology has four kinds of influences: (1) rationalizing the establishment of political powers; (2) the feudal official’s expostulations to the monarch; (3) waging political struggles; (4) implementing coups. In military affairs, astrology had three kinds of utilization: (1) forecasting the results of wars; (2) drawing up war strategies; (3) forecasting the occurrence of wars. In the Sixteen Countries Period, astrology was still in vogue because: (1) the accuracy of astrology; (2) the monarch believed in the Confucianism; (3) it was a chaotic time.