以往運用地理資訊系統探討工業區發展的焦點大多偏向土地開發與環境監測等兩大部分,忽略工業區土地開發後的經營管理問題,致使工業區在開發後效率低落。倘若有兼具土地開發後的經營管理、環境監測與評估分析工業區現況等功能的完善地理資料庫,則將可提供經營者、管理者與使用者進行工業區生存狀態之診斷、經營效率之分析與資源營運管理之評估,以使工業區朝永續發展方向邁進。由於工業區因其內產業發展之演變而有不同時期,因此,本文將結合生命週期的理論,來分析不同時期的工業區其永續經營管理的資料庫之項目;並運用關鍵成功因素法與透過相關文獻及與工業區管理者、專家學者,來釐清與建置工業區永續經營的關鍵因素,進而運用地理資訊系統著手於工業區永續經營地理資料庫的設計。 The studies of applying GIS to the development of industrial parks has been put a lot of efforts on land development and environmental monitor, that has ignored the manage issues of industrial parks. It would help industrial parks to be sustained, if there are databases for sustainable managed industrial parks for users to handle resources of industrial parks, for administers to manage industrial parks, and for operators to diagnose industrial parks. There are different phases of each industrial epoch, thus, this study attempt to construct a structure of databases for sustainable managed industrial parks. Life cycle theory and GIS has been applied to analyze items of the industrial parks’ database in each epoch. Key success factor method and interviews of experts have also been used to clarify the key factors of databases for sustainable managed industrial parks.