本試驗選用美國硬紅冬麥,金門地區小麥及澳洲硬白麥為原料,探討三種小麥品種、不同小麥粉粒徑規格對麴塊培麴期間水份散失速率、麴塊官能品評、麴粉糖化力及液化力之影響。以麴房培麴試驗結果顯示小麥品種中,粗粒徑美國硬紅冬麥小麥粉之麴塊水份散失較快,細粒徑澳洲硬白麥之麴塊水份散失最慢,粗粒徑小麥粉所製作之麴塊其麴粉糖化力及液化力也較高,麴塊總體性官能品評分數以粗粒徑美國硬紅冬麥小麥粉之麴塊最高,原料小麥粉粒徑愈細雖可改善麴塊結著力但不利於培麴期間水份之散失,由本試驗之結果,建議目前所使用之小麥粉粒徑仍太細,應可嘗試使用粒徑較粗之美國硬紅冬麥小麥粉製做高粱酒麴,建議採用2.5 mm或3.0 mm篩網篩分小麥粉進行高粱酒麴塊製作。 The objectives of this research are to evaluate the influence of wheat varieties and wheat farina particle size on moisture evaporated rate, sensory evaluation, and enzyme activities of wheat koji. The results show the moisture evaporated rate of wheat koji of hard red spring faster than those of Australia hard white wheat and Kimmen wheat. Small particle size of wheat farina can improve the cohesiveness of wheat koji, but the evaporated rate of wheat koji will be slow and their enzyme activities of wheat koji are low. Overall sensory scores of hard red spring wheat koji is better than the others. The results of this research suggest using coarse hard red spring wheat farina particle (milling with 2.5mm or 3.0mm sieve) to produce wheat koji. It also could be mixed with high gluten wheat variety to adjust the binding ability of wheat koji. The mixture method of different wheat variety and partied size could adapt to different flour milling facility and season temperature fluctuation.