Serum samples obtained from college students in Taiwan were tested for their titers of neutralization antibodies against dengue virus type 1, 2 and 3 by performing plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). A total of 211 serum samples were collected from 19~23-year old college students living in one of the four following areas: Taipei City, Miaoli County, Nantou County or Tainan County. None of the study subjects was seropositive against three types of dengue virus being examined. No significant variation was observed on neutralization capacity among subjects regardless of differences in age, gender, residential area or serotiter against Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). These results suggested that no dengue infection had ever been happened to the study population. 本研究以溶斑減少中和試驗法進行台灣地區大學生對第一、二、三型登革熱病毒的血清中和抗體含量研究。總計211名19~23歲,居住於台北市、苗栗縣、南投縣或台南縣之大學生參與研究。無任一位受試者對第一、第二或第三型登革熱病毒的血清中和抗體效價達到陽性標準。受試者血清對三型登革熱病毒的中和能力無性別、年齡、居住地之差異,亦與疫苗株日本腦炎病毒的中和抗體效價無相關性。研究顯示,所有參與本研究之受試者均未曾受過第一、二或第三型登革熱病毒感染(包含不顯性感染)。