本研究主要探討不同焙炒溫度炒麥之抗氧化性。結果顯示未焙炒加熱之大麥比焙炒過之大麥具有較強的抗氧化性,再者隨著焙炒溫度之提昇,抗氧化性隨之下降,此與酚類化合物由於加熱被破壞有關。無論焙炒或未焙炒之大麥其對脂質體(liposome)或非脂質成分之deoxyribose或蛋白質均具有保護免於被氧化之特性。在作用機制上,彼等有還原力及捕捉自由基及活性氧之活性,另外也具有螯合鐵離子之能力,這些特性足以說明大麥及炒麥在脂質與非脂質成分上之抗氧化作用。 The antioxidative activity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) prepared under different roasting degree was investigated. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of barley unroasted was stronger than that of barley roasted by different degree. The antioxidant activity of barley roasted decreased with increasing roasting degree. This may concern with decrease in amount of the polyphenolic compound as a result of roasting treatment. Barley either unroasted or roasted not only inhibited liposome, deoxyribose and protein oxidative damage but also showed marked reducing power, effectively quenching free radical, hydroxyl radical and chelating iron ion. These properties sufficiently explain how the antioxidant activity of barley unroasted and barley roasted on lipids and non-lipids.