本計劃以化學改質之方法製備聚嗍脢(PSf)滲透蒸發薄膜,以磺酸化,鋰化反應可以製備適當親疏水比例之滲透蒸發薄膜。本計劃之化學改質之反應變數,如反應物濃度、反應時間等對取代程度之影響,取代程度將由元素分析(EA)加以定量,藉薄膜之官能基取代比例調整其親疏水性質,並瞭解官能基取代比例與滲透蒸發性能間之關係,且探討滲透蒸發操作條件之變化,如滲透蒸發操作之進料濃度與溫度條件等以獲得最佳之操作。並由溶解與擴散之觀點,討論薄膜之化學構造與溶質在滲透蒸發薄膜中質傳行為之關係 Utilizing the chemical modification methods to prepare the PSf (polysulfone) pervaporation membranes, this project is to develop a new technique for synthesize a proper hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance criterion for pervaporation system. In this project the sulfonation and lithiation methods will be used to modify PSf membrane to improve the separation performance of pervaporation. In this project the effect of various reaction conditions, such as reactant concentration and reaction time, on the degree of substitution of PSf were discussed. The ratio of hydrophilic/hydrophobic region in the PSf membranes will be determinate by Elementary analysis. The relationship between degree of substitution of PSf and performance of pervaporation will be studied by pervaporation test. The optimum conditions will be obtained by operating condition tests. On the viewpoint of solution-diffusion model, the mass transport behavior will be discussed by the whole of chemical structure and physical properties.