本研究以混凝-薄膜過濾處理程序,作為三級(高級)廢水處理:探討懸浮微粒及腐植酸的去除效率,以求得可再利用的高品質處理水。研究結果顯示薄膜過濾伴隨逆洗時的流量比沒有逆洗時要來得多,此外對於較大的薄膜孔徑其逆洗時間的長短正比於過濾液量。在腐植酸的去除方面,研究結果顯示本系統對濁度之去除效果順序為pH5>pH6>pH7>pH8,其中pH8時過濾清水之濁度值明顯高於原溶液。pH值>5時,總有機碳之去除則明顯與混凝劑量有關。pH5時過濾清水量隨著混凝劑量之增加而遞增,pH8時過濾清水量隨著混凝劑量之增加而遞減,pH6與pH7之過濾清水量無明顯之規率變化,且二者之過濾清水量均變化不大。 In this study, the cross flow microfiltration (CFMF) and coagulation-microfiltration (membrane hybrid system) processes were used in the tertiary wastewater treatment. When water with coagulated colloid particles was treatment by CFMF with backflushing, the flux was higher than that of without backflushing. The flux increased as the time of backflushing increased when bigger pore size of membrane was used. When water with humic acid was treated by membrane hybrid system, the removal of humic acid was dependent on the dosage of coagulant as pH above 5. The flux was increased as dosage of coagulant increased at pH5. But it was decreased at pH8 and not much difference between pH6 and 7.