本研究採用稻穀、蘿蔔等種子作為研究對象。研究標的之重金屬污染土壤則採集高雄縣境內之農田土壤,包括八種重金屬含量均不大於第三級標準之背景土壤、重金屬含量屬於四級之農地土壤以及重金屬含量屬於五級之農地土壤,萃取收集各土壤萃取液進行種子發芽與生長實驗。實驗顯示,直接以土壤加入RO水或者以RO水萃取土壤之萃取液做為種子發芽之培養基,則各土壤之發芽狀況之差距並不顯著,然而若利用土壤之0.1N 鹽酸萃取液進行種子發芽實驗,則污染較嚴重之土壤則有明顯之發芽生長抑制現象。 The Biological marker for hazardous pollutants was valued, it was also a powerful tool to investigate the risk characterization of environmental contamination. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to build up a completely biological marker. And to test the hazard of pollutants speedily to the surrounding organisms became more important, especially in the test of contaminated soils. In this study, rapid assays of germination on heavy metal-polluted soils were experimented for the risk characterization. Rice and carrot seeds were used for germination studies, 3 unpolluted soils and 7 heavy metal-polluted farmland soils in Kaoshiung county were collected for target soils. The results showed that there are less different between polluted and unpolluted soils, while using the soil extractant by RO water as media. But using the extractant by 0.1N HCl solution as media, the germination and growth of rice and carrot seeds were quietly different between soils. And the inhibition of germination was happened within soils that highly polluted.