對含重金屬廢液之處理,薄膜分離程序已逐漸取代傳統分離程序。在前此之研究中,吾人將含鈷磷鋁分子篩觸媒(CoAlPO4-5)與薄膜結合,發展出分離成效極佳之改質聚嗍風薄膜(improved polysulfone membrane, CoAlPO4-5/psf)。本計劃中,利用CoAlPO4-11/psf薄膜,繼續針對其他重金屬離子進行分離效能測試。實驗結果顯示,Cr3+與Cu2+之分離效能較差,去除率最佳只有約70%與80%,但是對於Pb2+與Zn2+,則有很好的去除成效,最高約可達95%。去除效率差異可能是因為離子水合半徑不同所致。另外,濃度對於重金屬離子之去除率亦有影響,大致隨濃度增加而增加。至於操作壓力與濾液流量,在使用改質薄膜下,前者大幅下降,後者大幅增加。 For improving membrane, if CoAlPO4-5 was blended with polysulfone, rate of metal removal can be effectively increased. In this study, we further assessed the efficacy of separation of Cr3+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ by CoAlPO4-11/psf membrane. The results show that removal rate of Cr3+ and Cu2+ is about 70% and 80%, somewhat not so good. On the other hand, Zn2+ and Pb2+ show much higher removal rate at about 95%. This is perhaps caused by difference of hydrated radii of metal ions. As for operating pressure and filtrate flow rate, we found the former was much reduced while the latter was much increased.