本實驗主要目的想進一步暸解薑黃素的行生物1- (2-Hydroxyphenyl) -3-phenyl -1, 3-propanedione (DP-17)、1- (2 -hydroxy- 5-methylphenyl)- 3-phenyl-1, 3 -propanedione (DP-19)、Dibenzoylmethhan (DB),這些化學結構為β–diketone類似衍生物,在人類直腸癌細胞COLO205,執行細胞程式死亡(apoptosis)上所扮演的角色。實驗大致上利用DNA階梯狀段裂(fragmentation)及分析凋亡蛋白質酵素(caspases)的活化技術完成、初步結果發現對COLO205細胞執行細胞程式死亡(apoptosis)活性為HDB>HMDB>DBM。HDB誘導細胞程式死亡可經由粒線體路徑。因此適合開發成抑癌劑(cancer chemopreventive)藥物。 The structurally relatedβ–diketone, such as Dibenzoylmethane (DBM), hydroxy -dibenzoylmethane (HDB), hydroxymethyl -dibenzoylmethane (HMDB), were able to induced apoptosis in COLO205 human colorectal cancer cells. Thus, the effect of structurally related β–diketone on cell viability, DNA fragmentation and Caspase activity was assessed. Treatment these compounds caused Caspase 3 activity increase by dose-dependent and stimulated proteolytic cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). The potency of these compounds on these features of apoptosis were in the order of :HDB>HMDB>DBM in COLO205 cell. Overall, our results indicate the HDB induced COLO205 cancer cell apoptosis through mitochondria pathway The induction of apoptosis by dibenzoylmethane analogs may provide a pivotal mechanism for its cancer chemopreventive action.