比較各級醫院電子病歷現況的情形時發現,醫學中心在病歷電子化程度、儀器自動化的完成比率、影像及多媒體病歷的完成比率上均比區域醫院及地區醫院在病歷電子化的程度上為高,在文字型資料處理的完成比率上,醫學中心、區域醫院與地區醫院程度上是相近的。 In the comparison of the degrees of the electronic medical records(EMRs), the medical centers are much better than the regional hospitals and the district hospitals in the automation of the medical machines, image and multimedia, and integrate electronic medical records(EMRs).
There is no difference in the text mode data among the medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals.