添加數種單一誘餌劑(glutamic acid, taurine, sucrose, betaine)至基本餌料,然後餵食石斑幼苗28天,以評估其生長與存活率。結果以活豐年蝦餌料之餵食得到石斑幼苗最佳之最終生長重量(52.6 mg)與存活率(54.3%)最佳,在合成餌料中以0.5%之sucrose添加組,其最終百分比存活率(32.6%)與基本餌料組(35.3%)相近,且顯著高於其它誘餌劑添加組(p < 0.05),而最終生長重量(30.9 mg)亦顯著高於其它各誘餌合成餌料組(p < 0.05)。 Individual attractants (glutamic acid, taurine, sucrose, betaine) were added as a supplement to a basal diet and fed to the grouper larvae (Epinephelus sp.) for the evaluation of its growth and survival. Each group of striped bass larvae was evaluated during a 28-d feeding trial. The live Artemia nauplii diet fed to the larvae had the best performance for growth and survival in the present feeding trials. The combination of sucrose, glutamic acid and glycine with 0.125% each of supplemented diet was found to be significantly lower (p < 0.05) in percentage cannibalism (3.3%) and higher final percentage survival (28.0%) than all other formulated groups.