破布子為民間之藥用植物,但是未見其葉子的相關研究,本實驗採取嫩葉取得水和甲醇兩種萃取液,分別和人類肝癌細胞株(HepG2) 進行培養。兩種成分在高濃度下(0.1mg/mL 甲醇萃取液和0.5mg/mL水萃液)皆明顯降低細胞存活率,且兩者亦造成不同的細胞型態。高濃度的水萃物會促進細胞群聚並出現爪狀攀爬的延伸觸角型態,使細胞看起來呈現三角形;反觀高濃度的甲醇萃取物則是使生長變緩慢,細胞量少且萎縮成圓形,呈現出小且鈍狀的細胞聚落。由於HepG2的過氧化指標極低以及抗氧化酵素活性未受萃取液所改變,所以初步推斷其死亡原因可能與細胞氧化狀況無直接相關。 The Cordia dichotoma Forst f. is used as traditional medicine in Taiwan. The effects of leaf haven’t been studied. We prepare the water and methanol extraction from the leaves of Cordia dichotoma Forst f.. The HepG2 was coincubated with different concentration of plant extract. As the concentration of plant extract increased, the cell viability decreased. The cells incubated with the two plant extract showed different morphology. The cells showed triangle clone in water extract while the cells incubated with methanol extract showed small clone. The catalase activity showed no changes during incubation with plant extracts. The oxidation is not directly related to the death of cell and which couldn’t be the major cause of cell death.