PHP語言與MYSQL資料庫,為開放系統且相關程式碼均為自由軟體可免費取得,目前在多種作業系統下都可安裝使用如Windows、 Linux、Mac與UNIX,這些也是一般大學校園內所使用之電腦作業系統,利用網際網路WEB平台技術,非常適合校園內資訊整合與行政工作e化之組合。
本計劃擬以嘉南藥理科技大學化妝品應用與管理系為對向,以XOOPS、PHP-Nuke等自由軟體系統架構為範本,建立一般大學系務e化之資料庫標準與相關關鍵技術探討,計畫內容包括一般系務工作管理、學術活動管理、專案研發管理、師生生活互動管理、新聞xml文件交流、知識庫管理等六大系統,建置完成之程式碼與相關技術將以自由軟體方式,提供國內外大學需要之系所建置相關網站。第一年建置師生生活互動管理與一般系務工作管理,內容包括公怖欄系統、電子投票系統與文件檔案管理系統。 PHP and MYSQL open to public access or use, at present, such as Windows、Linux、Mac or UNIX operating systems all can install it, generally those OS are put to use in teaching institutions. To take advantage of information on World Wide Web ability, we integrated administrations in campus by electron transform for use those technology.
The proposal use as the Department of Cosmetic Science of Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, make use of XOOPS, PHP-Nuke, establish technologies of university academic e-campus, involve academic department administrations manages, learning activities manage, proposal subject control, interrelated interaction between students and teachers, interchange xml news, knowledge manage. Open the source code for free software. First year establish interrelated interaction between students and teachers and academic department administrations manages, contents include public information board, cast a vote by electron, files manages system.