本研究利用Fenton-like法處理丙烯腈(Acrylonitrile)溶液,探討丙烯腈經Fenton-like法處理後丙烯腈之殘餘率與氮化物生成及消長變化。研究結果顯示丙烯腈之殘餘率隨著過氧化氫與三價鐵離子之添加量增加減少,但亦不能添加過量,添加過量之三價鐵離子,反而會使丙烯腈之去除效果下降。當系統中之丙烯腈被Fenton-like試劑分解後,氮基會被氧化,氮基被氧化後除形成有機氮化物外,並反應釋出亞硝酸根離子與硝酸根離子。當固定三價鐵離子時,過氧化氫之初始加藥量提高,亞硝酸根離子與硝酸根離子產量也隨之上升,但是當固定過氧化氫,三價鐵離子之初始加藥量提高,亞硝酸根離子產量隨之上升,硝酸根離子產量以三價鐵離子濃度為300 mg/L時最高。此外,在Fenton-like系統中,亞硝酸根離子釋出後,在40分鐘左右可達到一最大值,而後其濃度開始下降,但在亞硝酸根離子下降時,硝酸根離子之濃度並無上升現象且漸趨平緩,而亞硝酸大部分皆於40分鐘時開始下降,但是氨氮產生量於10分鐘時為最大量,顯示此氧化反應中無伴隨還原反應之進行。實驗中水溶液內有氣泡產生,研判產生之氣泡為氮氣,配合氮平衡實驗之推算,本研究亦初步推估氮氣之產生量。 This research was to evaluate the treatment efficiency and formation of nitrogen-containing compounds from Fenton-like reaction of acrylonitrile (AN) in aqueous solution. In general, it is an effective method to remove acrylonitrile from the aqueous solution using Fenton-like method. The result showed that the removal efficiencies of AN and DOC increased with increasing of Fe3+. The same phenomenon was observed when the hydrogen peroxide concentration was varied. The highest removal efficiency of 100% and 55% for AN and DOC, respectively, was obtained in this study. On the study of nitrogen mass balance, immediately after the Fenton-like reagent addition, NO2- rose rapidly up to a peak and followed by a slow decline. The similar phenomenon of NH4+ was observed in this study. The concentration of NO3- increased with reaction time and then remained approximately constant. Formation of NO2- and NO3- increased with increasing of Fenton-like reagent dosage. Visible gas evolution from the reaction vessels suggested gaseous byproducts. Nitrogen gas yields were calculated from the nitrogen balance results. Nitrogen gas production accounted for about 90〜94% of nitrogen in AN. The ideal-gas law was used to calculate the volume of nitrogen gas. The results showed that 40〜44mL of nitrogen gas was produced during 1 hour Fenton-like reaction.