由921集集大地震之震害調查顯示,角間街屋受到相當嚴重之損害,而此型式之建築存在於台灣的每一角落,為避免類此潛在危機在未來地震中再度造成重大傷害,本研究特蒐集173棟埔里鎮市區之角間街屋建築震害資料38棟之受損案例,透過震害之分析、診斷及結構補強探討,提出新建角間街屋系統規劃及既有角間街屋之補強,作合理之建議。本研究之耐震診斷採用內政部建築研究所推薦之鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震診斷詳細評估法,研究結果獲得初步結論後,規劃出快速耐震評估標準,以提供屋主以目視方式評估,初步判定建築物是否擁有足夠耐震性能,以決定後續之補強需求。 Many corner buildings were heavily damaged in the 9/21 earthquake that struck Taiwan last year , however ,this type of buildings are still very common in Taiwan . In order to avoid the damage in the following earthquakes , it is necessary to investigate the performance of corner buildings under seismic action . Firstly ,this research surveyed 173 corner buildings in Puli .Secondly , this research investigated the seismic behavior of 38 corner buildings out of 173 corner buildings by means of “Aseismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings” proposed by Architecture & Building Research Institute in Taiwan . Lastly , some results were obtained by means of analyzing the damaged buildings ,seismic vulnerable assessment , and discussion on structural strengthening . Based upon the results prementioned , this research proposed the methodology for seismic restrenthening of the existing buildings and advice for new-build in the designing stage.