以本「儒家憂患意識之研究」以孔子的憂患意識為主題,探討以下三個問題:一 孔子之前、儒
家憂患思維之形塑與發展情形。二 孔子思想中對憂患意識的感受、論述與力行。三 儒家憂患意
識對當代社會的貢獻及對後代思想的影響。 The phrase of anxiety was firstly found in The Book Of Changes. Consciousness of anxiety is the
improvement power of sages and society. It is also main intension of Chinese culture. From Confucius,
scholars of the Confucianism not only emphasized accomplishment of self but also concerned about the
society and people. They extended sincerity and honesty to govern family and give the people peace
and security. They expressed the scholars’ sense of social responsibility. The sense of social
responsibility is the consciousness of anxiety. Confucius is the first one who had the sense of anxiety.
This paper uses Confucius as center to research the consciousness of anxiety for Confucianism’ thought
and to investigate the influence for later period in history.