摘要: | 本文主要針對蓮潭環保公園社區及八翁酪農區生態園區的人工濕地系統,探討人工濕地應用於休閒生態園區對於生活污水的處理效能和處理後之淨化水回收再利用的可行性。
蓮潭環保社區人工溼地系統位於台南縣白河鎮蓮潭社區,面積為300m2,主要由表面下流動式人工濕地(SSF)及表面流濕地(FWS)串連組成,自2006年1月至2008年6月,每日處理社區生活污水量約為10CMD,相當於水力負荷為0.03 m3/m2 /day。由實驗結果得知,蓮潭濕地系統濁度進流濃度為33.7±19.5 NTU,出流濃度為11.3±7.9 NTU;TSS進流濃度為44.7±20.6 mg/L,出流濃度為14.5±6.4 mg/L;BOD5進流濃度為24.8±21.1 mg/L,出流濃度為5.8±3.4 mg/L;COD進流濃度為83.2±31.9 mg/L,出流濃度為26.2±12.7 mg /L;TP進流濃度為4.5±2.7 mg /L,出流濃度為1.9±1.0 mg /L;TN進流濃度為45.9±33.7 mg/L,出流濃度為5.3±2.6 mg /L;總大腸菌群進流濃度為912±437 CFU/ mL,出流濃度為88±23 CFU/ mL。經由此濕地處理後放流水之上述水質參數均符合環保署公告「污水下水道系統之新設公共下水道放流水排放標準」。
面積為100m2,主要以處理牧場內曙U的生活污水及沖廁用水,自2006年1月至2008年6月,每日處理污水量約為5 CMD,相當於水力負荷為0.05 m3/ m2 /day。另一座SSF溼地面積為30m2,主要用以處理雨水逕流及FWS濕地的溢流。實驗結果顯示,濁度進流濃度為231.1±439.0 NTU,出流濃度為121.5±325.0 NTU;TSS進流濃度為196.7±189.6 mg/ L,出流濃度為10.5±16.2 mg/L;BOD5進流濃度為178.6±144.7 mg/L,出流濃度為3.6±3.3 mg/L;COD進流濃度為155.5±89.0 mg/L,出流濃度為27.1±20.2 mg /L;TP進流濃度為12.0±5.0 mg/L,出流濃度為1.3±0.5 mg /L;TN進流濃度為161.5±76.5 mg/L,出流濃度為8.0±5.0 mg /L;總大腸菌群進流濃度為85,389±30,650 CFU/mL,出流濃度為37.2±22.2 CFU/ mL。經由此濕地處理後之放流水及收集於儲槽之雨水逕流皆符合環保署公告「污水下水道系統之新設公共下水道放流水排放標準」。另一方面收集於儲槽之雨水逕流,也可作為景觀、澆灌、灑水抑制揚塵、洗車或清洗地板等淨化水回收再利用。
由以上結果可說明人工濕地應用於休閒生態園區之處理生活污水是具有可行性。故人工濕地不但可塑造美觀及多樣性的生態環境,並且具有淨化水回收再利用之價值。 This article mainly aims at the Lian-tan environmental protection park community and Ba-Lao-Ya dairy farmers Weng ecological wetland park system,Explore the application of artificial wetland ecological leisure park for the treatment of domestic sewage treatment efficiency and water purification after the feasibility of recycling.
Lian-tan environmental protection park community of Constructed wetland Is located the Tainan County Baihe Township Lian-tan Community, The surface which connect a subsurface flow wetland (SSF) and a free water surface wetland (FWS) was 300m2,and the amount of treatment of domestic wastewater was about 10 CMD Equivalent to hydraulic loading for the 0.03 m3/m2/day since January, 2006 to June, 2008. The Experimental result demonstration the turbidity influent and effluent concentrations were 33.7±19.5 NTU and 11.3±7.9 NTU; the TSS influent and effluent concentrations were 44.7±20.6 mg/Land 14.5±6.4 mg/L; the BOD5 influent and effluent concentrations were 24.8±21.1 mg/L and 5.8±3.4 mg/L; the COD influent and effluent concentrations were 83.2±31.9 mg/L and 26.2±12.7 mg /L; the TP influent and effluent concentrations were 4.5±2.7 mg/L and 1.9±1.0 mg/L; the TN influent and effluent concentrations were 45.9±33.7 mg/L and 5.3±2.6 mg/L; the total coliforms influent and effluent concentrations were 912±437 CFU/mL and 88±23 CFU/mL in the Lian-tan wetland system.Through this wetland effluents after treatment of the above-mentioned water and Collected in a tank of rainwater runoff quality parameters are in line with the Environmental Protection Bulletins “Sewage system of the new public sewer effluents discharge standards”.
The other wetland system which have two independent system in the Ba-Lao-Ya Dairy Farm, Liuying Shiang, Tainan county. One of SSF wetlands area of 100m2, Mainly To deal with the within the restaurant ranch sewage and flushing water, Since January 2006 to June 2008,Treatment of sewage per day is about 5 CMD, Equivalent to hydraulic loading for the 0.05m3/ m2 /day. Another of SSF wetlands area of 100m2,Mainly used to deal with storm water runoff and overflow FWS wetlands. The Experimental result demonstration the turbidity influent and effluent concentrations were 231.1±439.0 NTU and 121.5±325.0 NTU; the TSS influent and effluent concentrations were 196.7±189.6 mg/L and 10.5±16.2 mg/L; the BOD5 influent and effluent concentrations were 178.6±144.7 mg/L and 3.6±3.3 mg/L; the COD influent and effluent concentrations were 155.5±89.0 mg/L and 27.1±20.2 mg/L; the TP influent and effluent concentrations were 12.0±5.0 mg/L and 1.3±0.5 mg /L; the TN influent and effluent concentrations were 161.5±76.5 mg/L and 8.0±5.0 mg/L; the total coliforms influent and effluent concentrations were 85,389±30,650 CFU/mL and 37.2±22.2 CFU/mL.Through this wetland effluents after treatment of the above-mentioned water and Collected in a tank of rainwater runoff quality parameters are in line with the Environmental Protection Bulletins“Sewage system of the new public sewer effluents discharge standards”.Another way, the rain fluent which collect to the tank can be used to recycle as landscape、water plants、control road dust with water、wash cars or clean the floor, etc.
The results show the feasibility of the wetland system was used to treat the domestic wastewater. Therefore, the wetland system can not only made by molding beautiful and variety biological environment, but also clean to recycle the water. |