摘要: | 飲食中油脂攝取量過高是台灣國人前三大死因(惡性腫瘤、心臟疾病、腦
的因素。在高雄、臺北兩地區公司機關中共招募511 位員工參與本研究。簡易
油脂評估量表及心理社會因子兩種使用於測量的問卷之Cronbach’s alpha 各為
0.63-0.89 和0.45-0.90, 此信度在可接受的範圍內。結果顯示在降脂行為中,最常
關鍵字:飲食行為、心理社會因子、自我效能、自覺障礙、整體健康關心程度 High dietary fat intake is closely related to top three leading causes of death in Taiwan. The objectives of study are to identify fat-reducing dietary behaviors, and to examine their correlations with psychosocial factors. A total of 511 subjects, employees of two companies located in Taipei and Kaohsiung, participated in this study. Two self-administered questionnaires, including a simplified fat screener and survey of fat-related psychosocial factors, were used as measuring tools. Cronbach’s alpha of these two questionnaires were 0.63-0.89 and 0.45-0.90 (N=511), respectively, and these values were at acceptable level. The most common fat-reducing dietary behaviors were: eating less fried food, using less oil, and having more vegetables. Least people chose eating white meat instead of red meat, removing the cream on top of cake or bread, or having at least one vegetarian meal per day as their strategies of
reducing fat intake. Significant correlations between psychosocial factors and fat intake of dietary behavior were found. Forty-six percent of variation might be explained by eminent psychosocial factors, including self-efficacy, perceived barriers and overall health concern. In application, three psychosocial factors of self-efficacy, perceived barriers, and overall health concern might be emphasized while designing nutrition education curriculum relative to fat-reducing dietary behaviors.
Keywords: fat-reducing dietary behaviors, psychosocial factors, Taiwan |