性世代調查研究。以台南市某診所在92 年1
月至92 年12 月外籍新娘生產的單胞胎產婦
150 人為案例組,並以與案例組在同一家診
150 人為對照組。研究資料分別以病歷抄錄
外籍新娘產婦組高。因此, 外籍新娘為弱勢
照顧。 56.3﹪外籍新娘產婦產後6 個月時仍
後6 個月內再次懷孕。 To compare pregnancy outcome、antenatal
complication.、perinatal outcome and mode of
delivery between foreign brides mother and
not foreign brides mother, a retrospective
cohort study was performed.
The case records of 150 foreign brides
mother who delivered in one obstetrical clinic
in Tainan were retrieved for review ( case
group).For each study case the first nulliparous
not foreign brides mother with singleton
pregnancy and delivered on the same day
following each study case was sellected as the
control group. Telephone interview using a
standard questionnaire was also conducted in
case and control group.
The mean weight gain during pregnancy 、
the mean baby weight of neonatal、the mean
body height of neonatal were higher in control
group; the neonatal complication rate 、
antenatal complication rate of control group
were lower than case group.
The finding of this study indicate that
native women in a relatively affluent society
and receiving appropriate prenatal care have a
better obstetric outcome overall.
There were 56.3﹪of foreign brides girls
didn’t use any contraception method, and 16.5
﹪of them were pregnant again in six months
after delivery.