摘要: | 效率評估或測量傳統常用的是比率分析,然而比率分析僅適合單一產出與單一投入的情形,實務上大部分為多元投入與多元產出之現象,僅僅依靠比率分析很難得到良好的效率評估。Charnes,Cooper, Rhodes(1978)三位學者推廣Farrell(1957)所提出的單一投出/產入的效率評估方法,利用線性規劃的技巧,將多元投入與多元產出以加權的方式轉化成單一指標,來進行效率評估,此即通稱的CCR 模式,並將此法定名為資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)。在CCR 模式中,必須有規模報酬不變(constant returns to scale)的假設,Banker, Charnes, Cooper(1984)將假設規模報酬不變放寬為規模報酬可變(variable returns to scale),此即為通稱的BCC 模式。自1978 年後,以DEA 評估或測量諸如學校、醫院、銀行、交通運輸及其他行業之效率蔚然成風。DEA 為一種非參數分析法(Nonparametric approach),利用數學上線性規劃的技巧,找出所有觀察資料的效率前緣(Efficiency frontier),據此評估各決策單位(Decision Making Units,DMU)之相對效率。本研究擬利用醫院財務指標,以DEA 來比較國內各醫院間之相對效率問題,
並提供其改善效率可能方向之建議。 Comparing the efficiency of organizational units such as schools, hospitals, bank branches,transportation and similar instances where there is a peer(comparison) set of units. The usual measure of efficiency, i.e.: is often inadequate due to the existence of multiple inputs and outputs related to different resources, activities and environmental factors. Farrell(1957) proposed the single-input/single-output technical efficiency measure. DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) is the optimization method of mathematical programming to generalize to the multiple-input/ multiple-output case by constructing a relative efficiency score as the ratio of a single virtual output to a single virtual input. Thus DEA become a new tool in operational research for measuring technical efficiency. It originally was developed by Charnes, Cooper, Rhodes(1978) with constant returns to scale (CRS) and was extended by Banker, Charnes, Cooper(1984) to include variable returns to scale(VRS). So the basic DEA models are
known as CCR and BCC. Since 1978 over 1000 articles, books and dissertation have been published. Up to now the DEA measure has been used to evaluate and compare educational departments (schools, colleges and universities), health care (hospitals, clinics) prisons, agricultural production, banking, sports, market research, transportation (highway maintenance), courts and many other applications. DEA is a nonparametric approach. Using the technical of linear programming, DEA can find out the efficiency frontier of all decision making units(DMUs) to evaluate the relative efficiency among DMUs. In this study, we will use DEA to measure the relative efficiency of hospital by the financial data in Taiwan and try to give some suggestions for improvement among DMUs. |