摘要: | 二行村人工溼地為全國首座用來處理社區生活污水的示範實場,於民國90年11月開始操作至今,92年4月更連接一穩定塘以提高污水處理量及處理水質,進而達到污水處理及再利用的目標。本研究是先以一集水井收集污水引流至穩定塘,經初步前處理再進流至人工溼地,出流前銜接放流池,並引至椰子林灌溉。從92年4月操作至93年3月,操作期間平均每天可處理污水量、水力負荷及水力停留時間分別為37±18m3/d、0.06±0.03m/d、15±7d。
本研究主要探討穩定塘連接人工溼地後,大腸桿菌群、總懸浮固體、生化需氧量、化學需氧量、總氮、總磷的處理效果;以去除效率而言,穩定塘與人工溼地的結合系統對於前述污染物的去除率分別為95%、56%、83%、46%、59%、55%;以溫度校正係數(θ)與去除速率常數(K)的關係而言,發現θ值與K值並無一良好的相關性;以污染負荷與去除速率的關係而言,發現污染物均有一去除的操作範圍。綜觀本研究,發現社區污水在經過連接一穩定塘之人工溼地系統處理後均符合放流水標準,因而可減低承受水體之污染負荷,此方式之結合可作為未來處理社區污水之設計參考。 The Er-Hang village constructed wetland, including free water surface flow (FWS) and subsurface flow (SSF) type, is the first field-scale system used for treating and recycling the domestic wastewater from a community in Taiwan. Its operation started from November 2001, and integrated a stabilization pond into the system in April 2003 to improve the treatment capacity and discharge quality. The untreated wastewater was collected in a sump, pumped into the stabilization pond, and then flowed to the FWS-SSF wetlands by gravidity. During this study from April 2003 to March 2004, the whole treatment system was operated at 37±18 m3/day of influent flowrate, 0.06±0.03m/d of hydraulic loading rate, and 15±7d of hydraulic retention time (HRT).
The goal of the study was to investigate the performance of the pond-wetland hybrid treatment system. From the influent-effluent data, the removal efficiency for the coliform group, TSS, BOD5, COD, TN, and TP achieved 95%, 56%, 83%, 46%, 59%, and 55%. The treated effluent of the hybrid system could generally meet the discharge standard set by government. The relationship between first-order removal rate constant (for COD and TN) and temperature in water column did not consistently fit the modified Arrhenius equation. The stabilization pond, as the first treatment unit of the whole system, was found reducing a major part of the total amount of pollutants to the system. Therefore, the pond was proved as an economically feasible nature treatment unit to integrate with constructed wetlands into a more efficient hybrid treatment system for domestic wastewater treatment.. |