臺灣觀光旅遊市場之未來前景與商機,亟需完善的組織領導與人力資源管理制度配合,方能有效提高員工服務創新,藉此累積競爭能耐。故在正向組織行為學備受重視之同時,主管如何透過轉換型領導行為,使員工心理狀態更趨正向,甚或更提高員工之工作投入與服務創新行為,係本研究主要探討之研究問題。有鑑於此,本研究旨在驗證旅館產業之主管轉換型領導、員工心理資本、工作投入與服務創新行為之因果關係,並藉由立意抽樣方式針對全台灣15家旅館總計發放300份問卷,利用189份之有效回收問卷進行統計分析與假設檢定。結構方程模式分析結果顯示,本研究所得之樣本資料與理論模式具有良好配適度外,轉換型領導對員工心理資本具有顯著正向影響、員工心理資本對工作投入具有顯著正向影響、以及工作投入對員工服務創新行為具有顯著正向影響。特別,員工心理資本在主管轉換型領導與員工工作投入間具有完全中介效果亦為本研究所得之一個新的重大發現。最後本研究根據研究結果提出實務意涵與後續研究建議。 The prospects and business opportunities of Taiwanese tourism in the furture need to coordinating wholesome organizational leadership and human resources management system,and then can improve employees’ service innovative and competitive ability.So due the increasing importance of positive organizational behavior, how supervisors do through transformational leadership to better by employees’ psychological capital,job involvement and service innovative are the main questions of this study. Therefore,this study’s purpose is to examine the casual relationships between transformational leadership, employees’psychological capital,job involvement, service innovative behavior for taiwanese hotels industry.This study uses purposing sampling to collect 189 valid quesytionnaires by 15 tourism hotels in Taiwan,and structural equation modeling is used to test research hypotheses.Results show that model fit is accepted, transformational leadership has significant positive effect on employees’psychological capital, employees’psychological capital has significant positive effect on job involvement, job involvement has significant positive effect on service innovative.In addition, employees’psychological capital plays a entire mediating role that is an new important result. Based on the results,this study presents the management implication and suggestions of afterward researches.