本研究主要目的是要建構溫泉區意象形塑評估模式,經由文獻整理與焦點團體法的方式,訂定設施意象、旅遊吸引力意象、自然景觀意象、社會文化意象等四個主要構面級27項次準則,並以層級分析法Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 取得構面與次準則之權重。
研究結果發現主構面中自然景觀意象的權重值最高,其次是旅遊吸引力意象和社會文化意象,設施意象則排最後。次準則在自然景觀意象主構面內,天然的水資源最重要;次準則在旅遊吸引力意象主構面內,不可或缺的因素是管理和服務;次準則在社會文化意象意象主構面內,以節慶活動為主;次準則在設施意象意象主構面內,以硬體安全與設備為主要考量。 In recent years, people have increasingly emphasis on health care. The hot springs has also become a common leisure activity. The choice of hot springs depends on tourists if they hold a strong and positive image.
The purpose of this study is to establish an evaluation model of the hot spring image. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied in this study to acquire the weights on the dimensions and criterions.
From the research results, we found the Natural Landscape Image is the most important dimension. Travel Attraction Image and Socio-culture Image are the next. The last importance is Facilities Image. Among the 27 criterions, we found:
1. On the importance list, water resource is on the top best position.
2. From the second to the sixth important criterions are: Festivals, Unique geological landscape, Natural landscape, Historical and cultural resources, structural safety.
3. The Hot Spring Hotel operators should pay more attention on the structural safety, facilities and services.