2009-2010年的監測井年均溫,JS003-1公園井上升0.96℃。JS015大忠井下降1.07℃。R003太子井3-9月上升、10月後下降,溫度升降幅度超過10℃,主因為該井旁的建築工地,因開挖地下室抽水,導致水溫變化。R004國小井上升0.65℃。 Abstract
The monitoring of water level and temperature in hot springs wells of Jiaosi has been conducted for five years from 2007 with only 4 wells to 2011 of 11 wells. As the great amount of data are accumulating and its inconsistency of data format, I write some computer programs to process the data and discuss its significance.
The monitoring data are composed by a variety of sampling time interval, i.e. 10, 15, 30 or 60 min. I reprocess those data to 30 min of time interval. Also, a program is developed to calculate the daily average of water level and temperature for the 30 min time interval database.
The water level (from the top of casing, TOC) of well Js015 is about 15m which is the lowest in the hot spring area. The well Js015 is located at the western margin of the hot spring area. The highest water level is at the northwestern part which is the source area of hot spring water. The water levels of other wells are about 1-6 m TOC. There was a period of significant decline of water level in July to October 2010, because the dewatering pumping during the construction of an apartment building.
Some well’s temperature were higher and some wells were lower in the monitoring period of 2007-2011. During the construction of the apartment building, the temperature of a well near the site was decreased because of the shallow groundwater flowed downwardly.