為瞭解科技大學餐旅管理系學生之工作價值認知,本研究以學生背景因素及求學期間之工作經驗,對未來選擇工作價值觀之相關因素進行分析。本研究採問卷調查方式進行,樣本取自台灣南部地區某科技大學餐旅管理系四技日間部之學生,計發出問卷330份,回收問卷285份。利用描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe’s多重比較及因素分析等統計方法進行分析。結果顯示餐旅管理系學生對各項擇業影響因子最重視的前5項工作價值觀依序為:同儕關係(工作氣氛)、工作穩定度、工作樂趣、勞健保、退休金;性別不同學生對未來工作所獲得之「經濟報酬」的重視程度達顯著差異(t=2.277;p<0.05),不同年齡之學生對「休閒福利」之重視程度達顯著差異(F=4.595;p<0.05),本研究之結果可以提供企業界瞭解影響學生未來擇業傾向的因素和工作價值觀,並提供企業建立有效招募人才策略、且對餐旅教育單位給予意見,建立或調整實際而有效課程,以期學子均能學以致用及減少畢業即失業之社會現象。 Based on the students’ background and experience during studying, this study analyzed the related factors of work values on the future job selection for understanding the work values of hospitality students in a university of technology. This questionnaire was conducted to measure students’ perceptions of their work values. The undergraduate hospitality department students of a university of technology in southern Taiwan were investigated. A total of 330 questionnaires were distributed and 285 questionnaires were collected in this study. The research adopted descriptive statistics, independent T-test, one-ANOVA, Scheffe’s multi-comparisons, and factor analysis to analyze data. The study found “relationship with coworker”, “job security”, “job interesting”, “labor and health insurance”, and “pension” was the five most important work values among respondents. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences on 「Economic remunerations」dimension (t =2.277; p<0.05) in gender distinction and on「Leisure and welfare」dimension (F =4.595; p<0.05) in different age. This study aim to understand the factors affected students’ perceptions of work values and future job selection, to help the hospitality business that will develop a strategy about recruiting potential employee, and to suggest the hospitality school on how to design the appropriate classes. Every student can practice what he or she has been learned. Also, it is a wish to reduce the social phenomenon that is「Unemployment after graduation」.